SYGMA is pro-colleague and customer, not anti-union.

How Collective Bargaining Really Works

The union and the company come together for a series of meetings to reach an agreement on a union contract.

During these meetings, the union is allowed to ask for the things it’s promised you, but it’s also allowed to ask for things the union wants, things that you might not care about at all.

And the union can trade away things that you do care about to get what they want.

Risks of Bargaining

Management Rights

In a typical clause, you'll see language that says the company has the right to allocate its resources, manage its facilities and direct the workforce. It often also gives management the right to hire, promote, transfer, demote, layoff employees, to subcontract or contract out work, to establish and modify policies, rules and regulations governing safety, performance, procedures and conduct.

Basically, the company still runs the business, union or not.

Less Than You Bargained For

The National Labor Relations Board has ruled that:

"...collective bargaining is potentially hazardous for employees and that as a result of such negotiations employees might possibly wind up with less after unionization than before." -- Coach and Equipment Sales Corp., 228 NLRB 440

There are no quick fixes and when it's all over, you could even end up with LESS than what you have right now. The law clearly says that although employees may get more with collective bargaining, they can also end up with the same as they had before the union and may actually end up with less.