SYGMA is pro-colleague and customer, not anti-union.
Unfair Labor Practices

An Unfair Labor Practices (ULP) is a labor law violation, committed by either the company or the union.  The labor relations statute (National Labor Relations Act or NLRA) creates rights and obligations on the part of the union, the company, and employees. If either the union or the company fails to perform its obligation to the other party, an unfair labor practice charge may be filed. A ULP charge may also be filed if either the union or the company interferes with the rights each has been given under the NLRA.

What behavior by the union violates the NLRA?

Teamsters Union ULPs

Since 2014, 5,153 ULPs have been filed against the Teamsters Union for everything from “Threatening Statements” and “Harassment” to "Duty of Fair Representation” and even “Violence/Assaults”.

Knowing how poorly the Teamsters Union treats its own members, is this really who you want to represent you and your future with SYGMA?

Teamsters Union ULPs

Sources: The Bureau of National Affairs, Inc. &